News & Updates

Workshop update and Intersound Guitar Show!

Busy Busy Busy! That's probably the best way to describe us at the moment, We've got a bunch of guitars on the go, including a couple of Classic Fusion's that we're building for stock...

Vanquish Guitars Workshop

Currently we're thinking a nice Goldtop and a Candy Apple red, both with black scratchplates... There's still time to get an order in though before we paint them! - Also if you have any other colour ideas that you'd like to see let us know!

Dave Smith Vanquish Guitar

We also have Dave Smith's Artist model well on the way having had the base coats of lacqure on...

It's just been flatted back so excuse the slightly blotchy appearance!




Speaking of Dave Smith we've been selling loads of copies of the Début EP from Austin Gold, If you haven't got your copy yet you're missing out, it's a great EP with some stunning playing, you can download it from the shop page or by clicking the add to cart button here!




Finally we're off to Gloucester this week for the Intersound Guitar Show! If you're local to the area it's well worth the entry fee (It's free entry!) and chance to catch up with us and see what's new!

Pat McManus Artist page

Looking to learn a little more about some of the players that choose to play Vanquish Guitars?

Go check out the first of our Artist pages to go live and read about the legend that is Pat McManus by clicking Here

Kind words and a formidable pairing

Spent this afternoon working with Adrian the man behind Vanquish wiring his new model - The Classic, a flat top mahogany bodied single cut. The wood is over a hundred years old and has a stunning oiled finish. It’s fitted with 2 Monty’s PAFs with coil taps, and a Bigsby and oozes class. The pickguard, along with pickups and switch can be removed in a matter of minutes and replaced with another one with a different pickup combination, all without any soldering. Once we’d finished setting it up and tweaking the preset-able treble bleeds I couldn’t put it down. Alas it’s now gone back to Peterborough. Can’t wait to try it with a couple of P90s or a Telecaster setup. Ade, you can come again (he cut my lawn and did the washing up while I soldered)!
— Cliff Brown